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System Failure. Please Restart. presents the work of 42 artists on web-based VR platform Mozilla HUBS designed, created and curated in collaboration with a Center of Emergent Technology Institute (CETI).

On view here

“As the world is transformed by pandemics and revolutions, as physical spaces, access, and connection is lost, we reimagine the gallery spaces of the future. What could it look like? How can the art, the space, and the conversations and interactions critically engage with the world and with our communities? How does it spark and sustain inspiration - with ideas, materials, and media? How does it reveal what is possible, and what needs to change?” -CETI

Gallery of the Future presents Ash + Clay

Ash + Clay is a work of two looped, performative videos created in remote collaboration by artists Cat Ross and divinebrick / josie j. This work calls upon the language of the physical body as contrasted to the symbolism of cinder block and brick as raw materials for construction. Through color, object activation, and body movements we find the space to recreate, to redefine, to rebuild a world we want to live in. This performative work is showcased in System Failure. Please Restart. in the virtual parking garage on the HUBS platform.




Gallery of the Future

CETI Project Leads - Marin Vesely, Scott Nieradka, Hilary Tsai, Stephen Lee, Brenda Trammell, Joseph Wells, Jesse England, Dan Fernie-Harper, Nandini Ranganathan, and Alanna Risse

Prototyping + sound asset contribution - Cat Ross

Ash + Clay 

Choreography and performance - Cat Ross, divinebrick / josie j


Mozilla Hubs, Spoke